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Can You Bring Outdoor Knives on Planes?

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Can You Bring Outdoor Knives on Planes?

US Flight Rules
On flights in the United States, all types of knives can be placed in checked baggage without restriction. It is prohibited to carry any knife except plastic knife and round blade butter knife in hand luggage.

When packed in checked baggage, knives should be securely wrapped in boxes or knife cases - sharp edges should not be exposed. They ask because security officials often carry out additional checks in checked baggage and must protect them from accidental injuries. In fact, if you put a naked knife into your checked baggage, and the security personnel will be injured accidentally, you may be prosecuted. Therefore, please remember to properly protect your knife in the checked baggage. 



TSA officials are not responsible for determining whether the knife is legal or illegal, but if they suspect that your knife is classified as illegal (too long blade, hidden blade, etc.), they may contact the local authorities. Therefore, before traveling, you must understand the local knife skills.
Finally, there is no limit to the number of knives each passenger can carry.

Flight rules of other countries
On Canadian flights, knives with a blade length of 6 cm (2.36 inches) or shorter are allowed to be carried in both hand and checked baggage. Generally, small scissors, nail clippers, multi-function tools and pocket knives belong to this category. Knives with blades over 6cm can also be used, but only in checked baggage.

In addition, the use of switch knives, button knives, concealed knives and knives similar to different objects is completely prohibited on Canadian flights, because these knives are considered illegal under federal law. But flights to the United States are still prohibited from carrying any blades. In addition, 350ml or more of milk powder, baby powder and other powders will also be prohibited, and checked baggage will not be affected.

The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom Flight Authority only allows knives with blunt ends and a blade length of no more than 6 cm (2.36 inches) in hand luggage. If the end of the knife is sharp or the blade exceeds 6 cm, it can only be moved in checked baggage. In fact, only small scissors with round ends are allowed in hand luggage. All knives are allowed in checked baggage.

Europe, Australia, China and India
The rules in Europe, Australia, China and India are similar to those in the United States - all knives are prohibited from carrying in hand luggage, regardless of the length of the blade and whether the end is sharp or blunt. The knives can only be placed in checked baggage.

New Zealand
On New Zealand flights, only knives with blades shorter than 6 cm (2.36 inches) are allowed in hand luggage. Long knives can only be packed in checked baggage. Pocket knives and multi-function tools do not open - instead, they measure the tool itself to roughly estimate the length of the knife. If the length of pocket knife or multi-function tool exceeds 9.5 cm (3.74 inches), it is not allowed to put it in hand luggage.


+ 86-13751611669 + 86-13751611669 windy.zhong windy@goldinsea.cn