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Heat Treatment Of Blade

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What is heat treatment? What we call heat treatment is the steel through heating, insulation, cooling means, a good steel material into a good knife is through heat treatment, forging, quenching, tempering, loading and unloading into a tool. Good heat treatment is very complex, not people imagine that the knife heating, put a basin of water in so simple, is the need for long-term experience to form, many well-known knife makers of their quenching liquid formula is extremely secret, only a good quenching liquid can be tempered out of the blade. A good craftsman will adjust the parameters on the basis of the heat treatment parameters of the steel mill, and then compare and study the best plan to maximize the release of the performance of the steel. After professional heat treatment of the knife in sharpness, hardness, toughness, elasticity, wear resistance have been greatly improved. The level to which the steel is heated, the amount of time it takes to heat it, and the rate of cooling are all important keys, and the same conditions can be repeated over and over again to get the same quality.

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The hardening method to increase the strength of sword steel is to heat the selected steel to a certain level, and then suddenly cool it, cooling speed beyond the steel itself can withstand the critical value. The level to which the steel is heated, the amount of time it takes to heat it, and the rate of cooling are all important keys, and the same conditions can be repeated over and over again to get the same quality. Other conditions include the condition of the atmosphere itself during heating and quenching, and the hardness of the steel itself before the heat treatment.

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If it is not well hardened, no amount of tempering treatment will be of little use. Tempering is lower than hardening temperature at disposal, mainly to maintain a certain anti-wear ability of the knife. If the steel contains a large amount of chromium, the low temperature treatment in liquid nitrogen is very useful, because the steel with a large amount of chromium will tend to harden into a steel called Austenite, rather than into a more useful steel called martensit. Austenit is A soft, soft and malleable steel, and the low temperature treatment helps to convert more Austensit into martensit, which is why 440C,A TS-34,154CM is not the focus of good knife steel. Martensit steel is a needle-like crystal containing carbide in the middle, which has been hardened and not tempered to a hardness of 61 68HRC, quite attractive to users and knife makers, but is also very fragile. Almost 30% of the ATS-34 and 400 series steel is austenit steel. This is why it is necessary to temper the hardened steel, which can reduce the overall hardness and increase the strength and impact resistance. Note that many steels increase their strength while also significantly reducing their wear resistance. This high-strength and low-wear steel is more suitable for some cheap and thin knife products, such as razors, surgical knives and so on.

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+ 86-13751611669 + 86-13751611669 windy.zhong windy@goldinsea.cn